We are lucky enough to have developed one of the best collections of high end analogue and digital gear around.
Rather than go for multiple copies of the same piece of equipment, which to us is like painting your picture only in red, we have found that the wider the palette choice the better end result. Our set-up allows us to create a modular mixing console for each project with Pres, Compressors and EQs matched to suit the feel of each instrument. This has shown in the end results, with a string of awards associated with our studio and a range of clients in multiple styles, from bands starting out to platinum-selling albums.
It's good to know what particular gear is actually useful for, rather than just seeing a list of random model numbers and hoping it is is a list of our gear that is always updating and the ones that we recommend.
Monitoring -
ATC SCM110ASL Pro (main studio)
Crookwood C3 monitoring system (main studio)
Tyler Acoustics D1x and DS12 sub (studio 2)
Hypex nCore Amplifiers (studio 2)
SPL 2381 monitor controller (studio 2)
Compression -
Manley Vari Mu (Mastering version) (stereo)
Buzz Audio DBC-M (Mastering version) (stereo)
Manley ELOP (stereo)
Manley SLAM! (stereo)
Manley Voxbox (ELOP)
API 2500 (stereo)
mnats 1176 Rev A clone (stereo)
API 225L x2
Tonelux TX5C x2
Chameleon Labs 7720 (stereo)
ART Pro VLA II (stereo) - modified
FMR RNC (stereo)
Smart Research C1 (stereo)
Summit TLA-100A
Urei La-12 (stereo)
Equalisation/Exciters/Enhancers -
Manley Massive Passive (stereo)
Hendyamps - Michelangelo (stereo) x2
Klontz Eight (Sontec/GML/Quad8 hybrid EQ)
Muller HDE-250A (Sontec 250EX clone) (stereo)
Kush Electra (stereo)
Helios Type 69 clone with tube make up (stereo)
SPL Vitalizer Mk2-T (stereo)
API 550a x2
Buzz Audio Tonic x2
Tonelux EQ5P x2
Bluzzi EZ1084 (Neve 1084 clone) x2
Laz Pro EQN (Neve 1084 clone) x2
Night EQ-3D (4 channels)
Neumann W492 (stereo)
Speck ASC (Transformer option)
Aphex Aural Exciter 602B (as used by Led Zep)
Aphex Aural Exciter Type C Type C
Chameleon Labs 7602 (Neve 1073 clone) x2 (Carnhill mod)
Pre amps an Line amps -
Manley Dual Mono (stereo)
API 212L x2
Studio Electronics SE2. Neve style (stereo)
Ekadek 1950's style valve pre (stereo)
Ekadek Neve 1272 style (x4)
Chameleon Labs 7602 x2 (Carnhill mod)
Manley Voxbox
Manley SLAM! (stereo)
Channel Strips
API 7600 channel strips (x2)
Manley Voxbox
Convertors -
Lavry Blue
SSL Alpha Link MADI SX
Tape / Vinyl -
Ampex ATR-100 [ATR magnetics and GP9 tape options]
Studer B67
Pro-Ject 9.1 + speed box + Micro Benz SL cartridge
Restoration -
iZotope RX6 Advanced
Plus a range of digital plugins including UAD, Slate, Waves, Celemony, Kush etc etc.